
KC Area Roof Types By Master Home Inspectors – UPDATED 2023

red shingle roof types

Introduction: Roof Types Explained There are 5 major areas in every home: 1. Foundation2. Plumbing3. Roof4. Electrical5. HVAC These 5 areas make up our Major-Items Inspection and are so important, they get all the attention at the end of every inspection. And depending on the property, a Kansas City home can have one of many roof types: … Read more

“Aren’t all home inspections the same?”

same headertf

For someone with 16 years and 10,000 inspections under his belt, this question makes me shake my head. And if you happen to be a service provider, yourself, you’ll understand why… It takes time and dedication to master your craft. In fact, they say it’s somewhere between 7-10 years. Years 1-3 you’re a student You’re … Read more