
Plumbing System Expert Answers: From Cruddy to Clean

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The Plumbing System Around Kansas City The MOST Important System in Your Home There are 5 major areas in every home: 1. Foundation2. plumbing system3. Roof4. Electrical5. HVAC These 5 areas are so important we created a separate major-Items-only inspection and these 5 areas get center stage at the end of every home inspection. And when … Read more

How to survive your first old home purchase

old home purchase

An old home is a wonderful thing. Aside from the charm and character, an old home brings a host of problems not found in newer houses.  Like poor wiring, cracked foundations, clogged pipes, and weak roofs. Now, don’t avoid an older home because of these issues, they’re normal. But old homes need special attention because … Read more