
Your Home Inspection Report Makes All The Difference

“I don’t consider myself smart, but your report made me feel smart.” – Kathleen Betzer, Kansas City, MO.

Your Home Inspection Report Is Key

It’s the linchpin.

This is the ONLY piece in the entire home inspection process that compiles, organizes, and condenses a home’s condition onto a few pages to help you get the big picture.

In fact, the information inside your home inspection report is so powerful that it can literally translate into hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars toward a home you (hopefully) love.

In my book, that’s not something to sneeze at.

Some might disagree and say it’s about finding defects.

Which is clearly important, but they’d be wrong.

Because defects are just problems unless you can force them to help you.

And you can only force them to help you if you can get them out of your home inspector’s head.

But you can only get them out of your home inspector’s head if they put them inside your home inspection report.

Makes sense, right?

If you’re not convinced, picture this…

Your home inspector is a seasoned professional.

They go through extensive training, years of experience, and countless trial-and-error to earn the right to ask you for money in exchange for the certainty and clarity they provide.

But they’re the expert, not you.

So, you have to trust:

  1. What they know
  2. What they look for
  3. What they see
  4. What they don’t see
  5. How they see it
  6. How they communicate all this to you

It’s a massive undertaking to inspect a big box of wood, wires, water, insulation, concrete, and hollow cavities that takes a beating by the elements outside and abused by the people and pets inside.

Still, you expect that trust to be rewarded with an outcome that meets (and hopefully exceeds) your expectations. 

And every. single. home inspector is different.

But you’re counting on them to NOT ONLY find the bad (and the good) things happening around the home, you NEED them to deliver all that information in a way NOT ONLY you can understand, but also anyone else.

What does this mean to someone who thinks a good home inspection is ONLY about finding defects?

They’re only half right.

Because it’s NOT about them, it’s about you.

And you can be anyone.

  • An attorney
  • A mailman
  • A retiree
  • A college graduate
  • A high school dropout
  • A single mom
  • A first-time homebuyer
  • A seasoned real estate investor
  • An experienced contractor
  • Active duty military

And not just in person, but also in writing.

Still think it’s just about finding defects?

What does good communication look like?

For starters, every good home inspector asks themselves the same set of questions every time they find a problem.

Most aren’t even aware of the exact questions, but they’ll do it anyway.

Unfortunately, 99% of home inspectors either horde the answers or breeze past them, so they never end up in your home inspection report.

But that information is yours. It’s what you’re investing in, and many times it’s useful information you’d want to know.

And they’re keeping it from you because they think it’s either insignificant or – more likely – they don’t know the answer to the question.

So, they never bring it up and you never find out.

This will happen over and over hundreds of times during the course of a home inspection.

And it will happen to yours, too.

Unless you find a home inspection company who has NOT ONLY spent decades mastering their craft, but also understanding how to capture this key information and explain it using simple terms and a 5th-grade reading level so you – and anyone else – will understand.

That’s exactly what we do at Bulldog Professional Inspection Services. Instead of treating your home inspection report like an afterthought or a necessary evil like most other home inspection companies.

Because home inspections are all we do, and we want to get it right the first time.

This is why your Home Inspection Report is so important.

Especially when you CAN’T attend the inspection.

Plus, it’s…

  • What you use to NEGOTIATE
  • How you’ll decide your next steps
  • A tool to budget for maintenance and repairs
  • guide to understanding your home
  • What your wife will use to make your honey-do 🐝 list (don’t say we didn’t warn you)
  • The only proof your home inspection took place
  • The only thing you keep when it’s over

Just a few more convincing reasons why your home inspection report is what you’re really investing in.

And Bulldog Professional Inspection Services makes sure it’s just as useful in 5 or 10 years as it is today.

What You Get With Our Home Inspection Report:

No clutter

Mobile friendly

Easy to forward

Easy to navigate

Easy to download

Easy to understand

Enhanced and labeled digital photos

Summaries to put things in perspective

10Key™ Comments

Summaries at the top of the report for quick scanning

Defects divided into safety, major, and maintenance items

Create your repair list directly from your inspection report

Summaries can be printed separately

Quick and confident decision making

Same-day delivery

You won’t find this kind of home inspection report anywhere else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understand the difference between Major, Maintenance, and Safety Items.

Most inspectors will summarize the inspection findings based on how important they are, such as:

  1. Safety items
  2. Major items
  3. Maintenance items.

This lets you can put the maintenance items aside so you can focus on the issues considered significant defects and safety issues.

So, if you’re negotiating with a seller, the safety and major items are normally considered important issues while maintenance items might get put on the ‘honey do’ list after you move in.

Your inspection report goes out after payment is received, but it will always be ready for delivery the same day.

Yes, always.

As long as there is safe access and the pitch is not too steep (usually 8-12 or greater).

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